The Material

Many actors would be great – if they only knew how to interpret material! How do you get to exactly what the writer intended and go beyond it to realize a character that is so special… they just have to give you the job. And, even if you’re not right for that part, you’re so good they have to find something for you. In this session, we explore:

  • How to read material.
  • How to break down material.
  • The 5 Ws (and one H).
  • How to make choices.
  • How to mark your script/sides. What do you write down?
  • (Does marking my script in Hi-Liter really help?)

The Research

For this session of class, you will be given an audition piece 24 hours in advance. Your job will be do the research you deem integral to the audition, and then to come to class prepared to answer the questions from your research that apply to you acting the scene. (Research may be anything from reading up on a subject to listening to some music to eating a hamburger.)

  • The artistic research.
    • How to assess what research should be done.
    • How to gauge the depth of research that should be done.
    • How to accomplish the necessary research.
  • Special skills.
    • How to undergo the use of a dialect.
    • Physical skills.
    • Physical action.
  • The Breakdown.
    • How to read a breakdown.
    • What to pay attention to.
    • How do you, really, read a script.
    • Okay, so you have the art down; do you have the business down?

The Approach

The Approach: Many actors start off on the wrong foot, simply because of their [...]

The Final Audition

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